Home > Five Nights at Freddy's 2
Five Nights at Freddy's 2

Welcome to Freddys world again! If you have tried the Freddys 1, and then this game will be easy for you. But it is still scary. So you must keep calm no matter what might happen. Everything is unexpected. The music also sounds a little bit creepy. Entering this game, you will see a poster on which printed the pictures of Freddy, the little chicken and the bunny. This is an introduction of the toys in this restaurant. And the famous incident happened in this restaurant is the 87 biting. At first, you might be confused about the incident, but you will receive a cheque later on which you will see an exact date, and then you will understand. Under the influence of this incident, the reputation of this restaurant is greatly damaged and might face the risk of closing down. So you must do your job as an excellent security guard and check out these toys during the night because from the appearance they might be ordinary toys, but once look inside, you will see that they are actually robots who might do something dangerous and harmful. At the end of the fifth night, you will receive the order of doing two days overwork, for the original security guard disappeared. The truth is that the original security guard was killed on his way home from work. And the killer might be the man wearing the purple clothes. He called you once. Generally speaking, at the first night, you can do nothing before 2 oclock a.m. On the second night, the balloon boy and the fox will come to visit you. They will be a little bit difficult to handle; and on the third night, you might see fox, bunny and chicken. And the fox will come before 1 a.m., so you must save your electricity. On the fourth night, nearly all the toys will appear, which will be a huge test for your mental ability. On the last night, things will be more tricky than on the fourth night. So if you have luck, you can survive this. In this night, you will meet golden Freddy who will appear at the front gate. The right thing to do is to put on your helmet as soon as you see him. Anyway, the Freddys 2 is more difficult than the Freddy 1, so you must be patient. And in Freddys 2, there will be more enemies and there is no gate. Besides, you must be quick when you take any action. To sum up, you will have a wonderful time with toy Freddy, Bunny and Toy Chica!