Home > UNICORN Color by Number
UNICORN Color by Number

Do you like painting? If you like to draw things, this game will bring you a lot of fun. Even if you are not a very good painter, this game will guide you to draw wonderful things. You can just follow the order of the number and paint them with a certain color. Eventually you will draw a perfect picture. You can draw a beautiful girl, draw a heart, or draw a car. You can even draw a bomb. So it is not very difficult for you to play this game. On the contrary, it can help to alleviate your pressure and let you fully relax yourself. In this world of color, you will forget everything else. And you will feel that time flies. It is very easy for you to become addicted to this game. You just want to challenge yourself again and again. It just feels like that you are doing the most wonderful magic in this world. And your finger is just like the magic wand. You can also ask your other family members to draw the picture together in the world of color. This game is not only about having fun, it is also about enjoying high quality art. The most exciting thing is that you can share these pictures on your Twitter and on your Facebook with your friends. Everybody will be amazed at your incredible talents for art. It is not just about drawing things. All of your works represent your real inner world. You can really draw your heart and your feelings out. It is a way of expressing yourself and your understanding of the world. The whole process will take away all of your feeling of isolation, of restlessness and of depression. Everything will become calm and relaxing. You will just feel like you are swimming in the vast ocean and everything is silent. You are the only living being who is swimming slowly and enjoying yourself in this totally new world. And this world only belongs to yourself. There is no one to disturb you or to guide you or to judge you. You can just fully express your own ideas and your own feelings. You do not need to distort yourself to conform any certain worldly Rules. Just follow your own instinct and express your feelings about beauty, about isolation and about this world itself. You will find your true self in this world of color. You will feel that all of those burdens on your shoulders just come off naturally. So generally speaking, this is a game for you to have some artistic activity. There is no need for you to compete with other players or for you to always keep intense all the time. You just need to relax yourself and follow your instinct. At the guidance of some invisible power, your fingers will do their own magic. You will feel like everything is just a miracle. There is no way for you to do such wonderful things by yourself. Maybe it is true, but you just need to relax and follow your instinct. Believe in yourself, you can make the most wonderful work in this world. And everything you draw is a miracle because you give it your love, your passion, and your imagination. That is to say, you just give all of your works new lives. So it is time for you to show the world the different side of you. Just introduce your true self with your wonderful masterpieces. It is time to Draw and Show!